The movies he's done for Studio Ghibli include:
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Castle in the Sky
My Neighbor Totoro (seen it)
Kiki's Delivery Service (seen it)
Porco Rosso
Princess Mononoke (seen it)
Spirited Away (seen it, own it)
Howl's Moving Castle
Ponyo (on the Cliff by the Sea) (seen it, own it)
I can't embed the English-dubbed "Ponyo" trailer; Disney owns the rights to the English-version, but here it is so you can see it on their site: Ponyo Trailer.
Such a cute film. HAM!! (we yell that a lot. If you've seen the movie, you know why.)
We wanted to make a Miyazaki-themed cake. We started with "Our Neighbor Totoro," but after thinking it over, and buying "Ponyo," we changed our mind. Here is the picture we based the cake off of.

I baked two 6x3 cakes and stacked them. I carved them down a bit to try to get a tapered pail look. I made homemade fondant and colored it green. I iced the cakes and covered them with the green fondant.
Side bar: I am not happy with the MMF recently. I have a love/hate relationship with it. For some cakes it is great; mainly flat ones. But when covering a shaped cake, it is just too thin and looks bumpy. I don't know if it is Florida Humidity doing the deed, but I am not happy with it.
The rim that would hold the water ended up being Rice Krispee Treats, molded into a rim and covered in green fondant.
While all that was going on, my big sis Brenda colored and shaped the gumpaste Ponyo.
I created blue Jell-O, boom, bam,
Ponyo Cake.
We can't stand the cuteness!!
So much fun
il est superbe, j'adore ce film !Bravo
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